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Northfork (2003)

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Commentaries on this disc:

Commentary 1: Co-screenwriter/director Michael Polish and co-screenwriter Mark Polish Rating:7.0/10 (1 vote) [graph]Login to vote or review
Reviewed by grimjack on June 5th, 2021:Find all reviews by grimjack
(Maybe I am not just the first to review this commentary, but the first on this site to even have seen the film?)

A bit droll and slow, mostly talking about technical stuff, and how the story became finalized. No surprise that they were trying to make a black and white film, only not using black and white stock.

If you hoped the commentary would explain the film to you, it takes a while to get there, and is not 100 percent.

I think some scenes are purposefully vague, not unlike David Lynch, but he does eventually explain and point out some of the angel metaphors, and what may or not be only in his head is for us to decide.

My guess, a boy is dying and we are seeing his fantasy, and the town is dying and we are seeing its fantasy. The boy spends time trying to convince Angels that he is one of them, and stuff he sees in reality appear in the fantasy. A little harder to explain the town death fantasy scenes.

Of interest, he points out a scene where an actor not just adlibbed a line, but stepped back to talk to and hug a moose. And a local woman they got to be in the film who was too nervous around James Wood, being a fan of his, and he had to help her out.